Far Flung Adventures has a long history of guides and employees who have worked with us for decades. Over our 45 years in business we have seen several generations of staff who are truly family. There have even been a few generations of kids who have grown up at “Flung” — a current owner is one! We think that speaks for itself in a way,
but let us try to describe who we are, what our culture is, and what our goals are so that you can better understand us while you consider working at Far Flung.
For some insight into our history, take a look at Our Story.
We are proud to offer many different trips and trip types around the southwest along with a few select international experiences. We value variety in our offerings and experiences, and as such we do our best to provide opportunities and training to help our staff to become well-rounded and worldly outdoor and tourism professionals.
We encourage our staff to pursue further adventure experiences, outdoor education and do our best to support them in learning everything they can about our industry. For example: Granting time off for a Grand Canyon trip, sponsoring staff to attend ACA instructor-level courses, and creating opportunities to visit new and exciting adventure locations.
Far Flung is also committed to inclusive hiring. Over the past few years we’re proud to have a 50:50 ratio of female to male staff — something that can be rare in the outdoor world. Supporting diversity in outdoor recreation is something our industry has failed at in the past, but is an issue we recognize and feel passionate about improving.
With the seasonal nature of our business many staff members live on-site at our various office locations, creating a sense of family and community in how we live, work and interact with one another. We also have a significant core staff that are long-term Taos residents and important members of various parts of the larger local community. Throughout the season, and year, we bolster our sense of community by supporting and sponsoring environmental events, hang-outs, company parties, and exotic adventure trip opportunities.
Well, that’s about it. Do you feel like we missed something? Feel free to call, text or email us directly!
Will and Peyton Blackstock – Owners/Managers
505-681-0122 – willblackstock@farflung.com – peyton@farflung.com
To submit a resume click to email info@farflung.com and willblackstock@farflung.com, or call our office at 575-758-2628. You may also use the form at the bottom of this page.